How to go Super Saiyan (Super Saiyajin) you ask? Well. To go Super Saiyan, firstly you need S-Cells and Saiyan blood running through out your body. This is 100% needed for the transformation of course... You can't be a SSJ while being a Human. However, one can be a Hybrid Saiyan, which has Saiyan blood in within them, allowing them to use the transformation. In all, you need some sort of Saiyan blood and S-Cells in your body in order to achieve SSJ. You can achieve this by being born with Saiyan blood and S-Cells, or by using Saiyan/Hybrid-Saiyan Subliminals to change your reality by using affirmations and frequencies to manifest whatever you desire. (Loads of subliminals on our YouTube Page).
Second. You have to be strong enough physically, and spiritually, (maybe even mentally too). To become a Super Saiyan, you need to have a Power Level of 10,000, you can find PL calculators online. You need to be strong physical strength wise in terms of how much weight you can carry, break through, or how much damage you can deal to someone or something. You also need to be strong in terms of Ki (chi), your spiritual energy. To strengthen these, you can do intense physical training, powerlifting and strength training, and Ki meditation (meditation where you focus on ki). You can also build Ki training the body. The stronger the body, the stronger the Ki. Also, for building Ki, which is essential, you can help generate it by listening to Ki Subliminals on YouTube, (coming soon).
A need. You need a need, and not a desire. “Power comes in response to a need, not a desire.” -Goku. And that is where Vegeta went wrong in his training to become a SSJ until he finally figured out the way to do it. But this isn't about Vegeta, this is about YOU. How are YOU going to go Super Saiyan? For Goku, it took anger, for Vegeta, it took the ability to stop caring, for Broly, it took sorrow, for Gohan, it took pressure, for Future Trunks, it took mental pain, for kid Goten and Trunks, it took an excess amount of S-Cells... What is it going to take for YOU to go SSJ? That is something for you to figure out. You can only follow ones path for so long until you must find your own. You can try taking the path of Goku and getting really mad and unleashing your anger, but that might not work for your case. Find your own path, make it count.
Now, how to actually go Super Saiyan? Tense your muscles as hard as you can like they do in the show. Feel your power level shooting up. Feel your Ki (chi) rising. Feel your Ki coming from your navel (where your ki is stored), into your head. Feel your hair flaming with Ki. Feel your eyes vibrate. Charge as hard as you can, tensing every muscle in your body while visualizing the Super Saiyan form, then when ready, get angry and tense your neck/scream/roar. Like seen in the show, the more powerful you get, the more S-Cells you have stored in your body, and the more you train, the more easier it will be to get into that form.
And that is pretty much it for the Super Saiyan transformation. If you have any questions, comments, or any of the sort, DM me on Discord. Also, I have yet to reach this transformation myself. Keep training!
Master Rexin hello I am a great follower of yours and I was wondering if you could teach me how to transform into supersayayayin to be able to use that power together with ki for good.
Maestro Rexin hola soy un gran seguidor suyo y bueno era si me podrias enseñar a transformarme en supersayayin para poder usar ese poder junto al ki para el bien.
I will try turning into a Super Saiyan one day, I just think I need to train more
You said we could find PL calculators online, but I can’t find any, could you please tell me if you know of any, thank you.