How To Use Ki? Yes, the long awaited in-depth Ki tutorial has finally arrived. If you have came here from the last Ki article, welcome back. Here you will be learning how to use Ki (Chi) energy properly for the first time. This is a beginners tutorial, if you have been reading up on this for a little while then you would know about a lot of what I will be teaching in this article, but you may learn something new. You can never learn too much. As you may already know, Ki (気"Ki", lit. "Spirit"), also known as chi/qi, Yōki (妖気) or simply energy (エネルギーenerugī), is the life force energy used by all living things/organisms. We all have Ki within us. If you are living, then you possess Ki. If you aren't... well. Anyways, onto the tutorial.
How To Help Generate Ki. I'm not really the best writer when it comes down to it at least not yet, so I'd like to just get to the point. Here are some bullet points on how to generate Ki energy. And yeah I'll go in-depth on each one.
Meditation at certain Hz frequencies (Listed Below).
Ki Subliminals (Ki-Control, Ki Strength, etc.).
Physical Training (The Stronger The Body, The Stronger The Ki).
Mudras/Hand Symbols when meditating. (Listed Below).
Meditation focusing on certain Chakras (Listed Below).
Food/Liquid Consumption (Listed Below).
We will also be going through how to pull it out of the body and making it visible later on so stay tuned in. This part is very important though.
Meditation at certain Hz frequencies. Meditating at certain music frequencies can be very beneficial to generating more and stronger Ki within the body. These Hz frequencies are 432Hz, 528Hz, 852Hz, and 963Hz. In my personal opinion I believe 852Hz is the best for generating normal Ki within the body, and 963Hz for God Ki (We will speak about God Ki another time). You can meditate at any frequency in fact you can meditate without noise or frequencies at all and you can still generate Ki, I just find that using these frequencies help generate more/potent Ki.
Ki Subliminals. I'm sure all of you already use subliminals so I won't have to explain in too much detail on how they all work here. But the point of the Ki subliminals is to help manifest either it be generating more Ki, or helping with other in-depth abilities such as, Ki Control, Ki Strength, Ki Visibility, Ki Color, anything in terms of Ki, etc. Using these subliminals will help you with your Ki training but I do recommend that you continue the other training like meditating, and physical training.
Physical Training. This type of training should help you have the ability to generate more amounts of Ki along with making it stronger too. Like I once said before, "the stronger the body, the stronger the Ki." Ki also makes the body strong, but training both the physical and spiritual aspects is a great combination of power.
Mudras/Hand Symbols. When mediating, one can use Mudras or what we would call hand symbols in order to help with Ki Control. There's Mudras for a lot of training abilities but the three in particular I like to use are the Dhyna Mudra, the Hakini Mudra, and the Prana Mudra.

Dhyna Mudra.

Prana Mudra.

Hakini Mudra.

Dhyna Mudra.
All of these mudras shown help with brain power, memory, and especially focus. The best one for Ki in my opinion is the Prana Mudra. Prana = Ki (Chi/Life Force). Hopefully the pictures are set up correctly the dumb thing wasn't letting me do it the way I wanted it to, lol.
Meditation focusing on certain Chakras. Certain Chakras help with generating Ki but the two that help the most are the Solar Plexus Chakra, and the Sacral Chakra. Balancing all the Chakras will help as well especially including opening/balancing the Third Eye Chakra. Make sure you take the time to balance each one as it will be very beneficial to your growth.
Food/Liquid Consumption. In order to possess great Ki it is recommend to eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. For foods, eat fruits and vegetables. Eating meat is ok too by the way but if you wish not to do so that is fine as well. For drinks, water and purified water is good enough. To maximize/cleanse your energy, try drinking some lemon water. Squeeze lemons into your ice cold water and you should be good to go. You may get away with having a sweet or a non healthy food once in a while if you are young, but it is greatly recommended that you treat your body well at all times.
So that's basically it for how to help generate Ki. Now onto how to ACTUALLY do it. Lol.
The Good Stuff
How To Actually Summon Ki Energy. Here I will show a bunch of basic techniques and how to do them. Later on in the future I will be making more intermediate and advanced technique tutorials but you must learn the basics.
Ki Control. Calm yourself down by breathing in and out. Now, imagine a ball of energy in your Tan-Tien (Around your Solar Plexus/Navel area). Then I want you to imagine that ball getting a little bit bigger and warmer. When you feel that warmth in that area, try to move it in different areas of the body. Slowly drag it out and imagine it as if it were an electricity cord or a power line flowing/shooting into the area where you want it. The easiest at first is to move it from the Tan-Tien, into your palms. If you do that correctly you should feel a warm sensation in your palm area. Then to put it back in your reserve, you suck it back into your body if it is out of it, then do the same flow but backwards into your Tan-Tien. The stronger the Ki is, the more warm and visible it will be. The way you know it is working is if you feel even a little bit of warmth in the area you focus on.
Ki Charge. Calm yourself down by breathing in and out however many times you need to, then squeeze your fists and all of your muscles in your body as hard as you can whilst imagining that ball of energy in your Tan-Tien getting bigger. You can also try to visualize that ball as if it was a bar filling to the top, or if you want to try and break your limits, visualize that bar breaking when you feel you are about to hit that breaking point. Another way is visualizing a number in your head (doesn't have to be an exact number, or a real power level) getting higher and higher as you charge. Then when you feel the need to stop, bring your arms up over your head and rush them down really quick like they do in the show. After that you should have a proper aura of Ki Energy around you. It will be visible eventually if you continue your training. Ki Visibility should be around 300-1000PL (Power Level). But then again, Power Levels aren't necessarily exact. While charging your Ki, try not to pass out from getting too much blood or oxygen to the brain area. Sit down, drink water, and take rests when you feel the need to do so, it is very important. But, do not slack. To know if you did it correctly, you should feel really warm around your whole body. Body warmth is just Ki. Another way to know is if you go out in public you will be noticed way more, especially if you have good, positive energy. People will gravitate more to you since they like that sort of energy you give off. It can be good if you want to meet new people like friends or even attracting relationships but it can be bad if a negative person notices and tries to bring down your energy. People with negative energy see positive energy as a threat, they might not even notice it on a conscious level but deep down they hate it. Having a high power also puts you at risk for any unknown entities that hate your power or positive energy you put out. There can be elites, or even villains that can come out at anytime. If this power is truly what you want, you must take it very seriously. "With great power comes great responsibility." -Uncle Ben. Lol I know I went on tangent there but it must be known.
Lower Ki/Hiding A Power Level. Calm yourself down like before and imagine all of your Ki (all of it) going inside your body into your Tan-Tien area. Visualize that power like the bar I mentioned before as if it were going down. This is just untapping your energy. To tap back into it, use the Ki Charge, go into the Ki Charge section. One thing to also add is to imagine your Ki as a sound. Like it was loud before but now that you are powering down, it is very quiet to silent. Lowering your Ki/Power should help hide your presence or just to keep you from destroying everything on accident lol. But seriously it is imperative that you lower your power when around others or in public just so you don't scare anyone, hurt, or break anything. If you continue your training and properly, you will become very strong and must learn how to control your power. This will be mandatory. To know you did this technique properly is if you feel less heat around your body or having less of a presence when out in public. You should also feel your power go down in a literal sense, meaning that you will be weaker in this state. Kind of like the state you are in before you workout. You feel a bit stronger after a good pump/warmup. In this case when you power down, your power is down.
Sensing A Ki/Power Level. "Visualize some liquid Ki in your tan tien, and visualize the Ki flowing out of your tan tien and touching the other person's tan tien. You should get a 'thud' in your stomach. The harder the 'thud', the stronger the person." -Ki Warriors- The Shinobi Of Ki energy. Here they explain it the best way that I ever can but to add on to that, the "thud" feeling they explain is kind of like the butterfly feeling you get in your stomach either when something isn't right, or when you are with a partner, or something is triggering your fight or flight response. This feeling can feel tougher the stronger the situation bad or good. But this feeling correlates greatly to your energy especially when you feel a really dark energy when yours is really good. The type of energy they give off will have an effect on you. This is the reason why you like or dislike people automatically without even knowing/meeting them. Some people have bad/evil energy making you feel uncomfortable or uneasy around them. Some people have good energy making you feel the opposite and having you gravitate to them more. That's another of the many reasons to not be evil. Side note: To increase your good energy, start doing good things, duh. Lol. It's kind of like the karma I use to speak about if you knew of it on the Discord server. Good Karma, you get good things, and Bad Karma, you get not so good things. This is also the reason why villains and evil people never win in the end. Don't be evil.
Making A Ki Ball. Calm yourself down then power up if you feel the need to do so. Put your arms into a position where you are holding a ball (like the pictures below), then, visualize the energy in your Tan-Tien shooting/flowing into your arms, then into your palms, then outwards in a ball. Feel each bit of Ki flowing right into that ball. Once you feel a great warmth in that general area, that just means you did it correctly. Again, it will be more visible/bigger the more you train everything. To put it back, imagine your energy from the ball sucking back into your palms then flowing back into your Tan-Tien.

For all of these techniques that were shown today, remember that the more you consistently train and the more you do them, the easier it will be.
You Must Be Serious- in order to do these practices properly. If you truly want this life, you need to work hard to get it. That's the fun part hehe, especially if you are a Saiyan.
Next Time On Dragon Ball Z... We will be learning how to do the more trained techniques such as Ki Blasts, Ki Shields, etc. and most importantly... Flight (Bukujutsu). Will you, the reader, the student, learn how to fly using your own ki?? Find out next time on DrAgOn bALL Z!!!
I hope this track is playing in your head right now XD.
How To Use Ki: Intermediate (In-Depth) - Coming Soon...

More Vital Information To Look Upon:
I added some extra links in there too, I think a lot of those can help greatly.
Thanks for the read and Much Love, always.
Whenever I try to make a Ki Ball I do not feel it becoming bigger or more visible I feel some sort of magnetic pull between my hands. Is this ok or do I need to continue training?
Can’t wait for the intermediate ki guide!
With the ki charge I felt greater power and warmth throughout my body. When I began shadow boxing my blows were faster and stronger, but after a few seconds I ended up falling, I felt like I had exceeded the limit. This feeling is exciting, thanks.