How To Use Instant Transmission? I finally figured it out. So here it is boys. Let's goooo.
What is Instant Transmission? (瞬しゅん間かん移い動どうShunkan Idō, lit. "Instantaneous Movement", also translated as "Teleportation") is a technique for traveling long distances instantly. It was taught to Goku when he was on Planet Yardrat after his deadly battle with Frieza.
Before reading this, make sure you know what Ki and Spirit Control is ok.
Is IT actually a form of teleportation? Well no. Instant Transmission is basically a physical transporter. It is often mistaken for as teleportation, but it is truly not. Transmission and teleportation are two different things. For example, we will use, "A to B."
Transmission: A -traveling-to-> B
Transmission is like you driving your car from your house to the store. You are physically going to the store.
Teleportation: A -not-traveling-to-> B
Teleportation is like you are in your house but suddenly you are in the store without the travel there.
It's funny because I'm honestly having a hard time putting this into words but Instant Transmission is NOT teleportation. Your body is still moving from A to B. Hopefully you kind of understand the point. Now I will explain how it works.
How does Instant Transmission Work? So Instant Transmission works by you manually taking your spirit, going into a different dimension where you are making the travel, and appearing back into the original dimension at the place where you were trying to go. The reason why we switch dimensions and go into, what we call the Teleportation Zone (瞬間移動空間 Shunkan Idō Kūkan), is because in this dimension, we can move insanely fast. I'm talking instantly traveling great distances (from meters to light-years, between the living world and Other World, or even travel outside time itself) only while being in this dimension. The Teleportation Zone varies in appearance each time it is shown, but they all feature a unique environment compared to reality. In some instances, it is a dark dimension comprised of red, green and blue space. In one other instance, it is a greenish-white dimension containing numerous blue crystalline square screens that users of Instant Transmission pass in and out of.
Here is a more in-depth explanation from start to finish, from my personal understanding. You start by taking your ki and coming in contact with your third eye chakra. Using that energy and merging it, both your ki and third eye chakra, to basically grab your spirit and drag it into the Teleportation Zone, in which that is also demolecularizing your physical bodies atoms and importing that into the dimension. In these almost instantaneous moments, you are transporting your body and spirit at light speeds towards the ki signature where you want to go, (this can be another being or place involving ki) and once you are almost finished with the travel, you come back into the original dimension at the place you need to be, remolecularizing your bodies atoms and being. Easy right? Haha.
How to do it? Well first you might want to use an Instant Transmission subliminal before hand. You can find them on YouTube somewhere, I didn't make one yet, I will one day, just don't ask ok. But even without that, you'll still be fine if you use any of my new subs as they have Dragon Ball: Into Reality affirmations, which means anything you see in the show, is capable to do in this reality. So yeah. Anyways, to start you should have plenty amounts of strong ki, a strong spirit, and a well balanced enough set of chakras, especially the third eye chakra. And you should also have a strong physical body as well. I have no idea what it would feel like physically, so you should train and prepare for that part too.
Once you feel prepared enough to begin, get your ki energy from your tan-tien and travel into your two finger tips. Hold your two finger tips up to your head, kind of like a special beam cannon, and place them on your forehead like how Goku does. Focus and find your ki source that you are trying to transport to, like as if you are manifesting it, and merge your ki with your balanced third eye chakra visualizing and manifesting your spirit and placing it into the Teleportation Zone. I'm not too sure how exactly this is done because it's not like the Yardrats made a youtube tutorial on how to do it, but I would assume for us to really visualize and manifest ourselves into that dimension. Once your spirit and your body comes into that dimension whilst also focusing on the ki signature of where you want to go, you will automatically start traveling to your destination at lightspeeds. Keep holding the energy on your head until you come out of the Teleportation Zone back into your original dimension at the place you need to be. Then boom, you're done.
Prana Mudra.
This is what your fingers should look like and place them on your head. It's also amazing how this is also a mudra for gathering energy while meditating. It all comes full circle.
Why can't I do it? Well, have you trained enough? Perhaps not. Sh*t man I can't even do it either yet so don't worry.
How do you know all of this exactly? To be honest, I don't know it all fully, but to my understanding after learning about all of this including, DBZ, religion, spirituality, science, and training stuffs, this explanation would make the most sense. Besides, this technique or way of doing it would still work since it's all manifestation.
But yeah bro that's it.
A very cool looking picture of Goku Instant Transmissioning and sh*t would've gone here but I can't cause Wix is now trying to make me pay for it. Hell no. Not yet. I need money.
More Vital Information To Look Upon:
I added some extra links in there too, I think a lot of those can help greatly.
Thanks for the read and Much Love, always.